Saturday, August 11, 2012

my little porkchop

time flies so quick! i still can remember the first time i held my bunso just 24hours after i gave birth to him on april 27, 2011. a 6 lbs and 19.5 inches long baby swaddled tightly inside a panda bear printed receiving blanket was delivered in my room. it was a hospital protocol to room-in and breast feed the baby 24 hours after his birth. the stitch hurts a lot at day 2 postpartum and i want to plead to the nurse to take the baby back to nursery. but adrian was a good baby. he slept well through the night during our stay at the hospital. Now, Adrian is a whopping 11.5kg baby and so very advance on his age. he does a lot of baby tricks and gives us smiles each day.